Frp Crossarm Construction Solution
Frp Crossarm is a composite material crossarm used for power transmission, which has the advantages of high strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, good insulation performance, etc. Frp Crossarm’s manufacturing process mainly has two methods: filament winding and pultrusion. Filament winding is suitable for making round or conical crossarms, and pultrusion is suitable for making constant cross-section (round or polygonal) crossarms .
Frp Crossarm Installation Instructions
Before installing Frp Crossarm, you need to pay attention to the following points:
Check the appearance of Frp Crossarm for defects such as damage, cracks, deformation, etc. If any, they should be replaced or repaired.
Check the size of Frp Crossarm to meet the design requirements. If not, they should be adjusted or replaced.
Check the electrical performance of Frp Crossarm to meet the specification requirements. If not, they should be replaced or improved.
Choose suitable installation tools and accessories, such as bolts, washers, nuts, torque wrenches, etc., and avoid using tools that may damage Frp Crossarm, such as hammers, pliers, etc.
Follow the safety operation procedures, wear protective equipment, and pay attention to prevent accidents such as electric shock, falling, etc.
Frp Crossarm Installation Steps
According to different voltage levels and structural forms, Frp Crossarm’s installation steps may vary, but generally can be divided into the following steps:
Connect Frp Crossarm with pole or tower, fix it with bolts, washers, nuts, etc., pay attention to symmetry and balance, adjust the angle and height.
Connect insulator with Frp Crossarm, fix it with bolts, washers, nuts, etc., pay attention to symmetry and balance, adjust the angle and height.
Connect wire with insulator, fix it with fittings or clamps, pay attention to tension and sag, adjust the position and direction.
Check whether the installation of Frp Crossarm and its accessories is firm and reliable, whether it meets the design requirements and specification requirements, whether it affects the normal operation of other equipment or lines.
Perform tests and acceptance, such as mechanical strength test, electrical strength test, grounding resistance test, etc., to ensure that Frp Crossarm and its accessories achieve the expected performance and effect.